Because the examination is an important and useful complement to the traditional cytogenetic examination, carried out through an invasive survey (amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling) offering a high level of security against a series of very strict conditions, which in most cases are not identified in the prenatal period and that at most may be suspected late for the detection of abnormal ultrasound data, but non-specific, such as growth restriction or structural abnormalities.
This examination is particularly suitable for all couples at risk for these abnormalities (i.e., because they have a sick child or because the previous ultrasound showed a picture of characteristic malformations in the fetus).
However the Prenatal BoBs can be offered to all spouses that perform invasive prenatal diagnosis, due to the high level of precision (the presence of a microdeletion is unambiguously related to a specific syndrome) and to relatively low costs. The examination also has the advantage, which is not secondary, to allow rapid diagnosis of autosomal trisomies (21, 13 and 18), similarly to the interphase FISH and/or QF- PCR.